Aiyanna Completed

May 29, 2009

So Aiyanna is done. I’ve based her and taken a few pictures. I’ll finish sealing her this weekend. The pink on the base is glowing runes done on flagstones.  They came out pretty well though I didn’t think to get any close-ups of them.

Aiyanna from an isometric view

Aiyanna from an isometric view

Aiyanna from behind

Aiyanna from behind

Side view of Aiyanna

Side view of Aiyanna

Minor Paintpink Update

May 28, 2009

Not much to report today as a I needed to work a bit late. I got most of the work on Aiyanna’s base done and I will be finishing that and more work on Holt tomorrow.

Day 5 progress:

Aiyanna has been completed. She’s not as grainy as the camera makes her out to be but the image isn’t bad.

From here I’ll move on to Holt. I need to make a stencil for the bases of a pink ribbon and a slogan. I’m not sure if the curved edges of the bases will pose a problem for that.

So I spent what time I could prepping Aiyanna, Holt and the Alternate Eyriss for painting. I have never painted with a pink primary color before so this has been interesting. Here is day 3 and 4 in pictures: Read the rest of this entry »

Another round of updates for the Mark II builder:

The application now launches a sub-activity for creating the army. The buttons are placeholders (as I would rather do that through a menu). Next up, make some XML files containing faction data.

So I made a promise to myself that as soon as the Mark 2 rules for Warmachine and Hordes solidified I would restart my efforts to build a Warmachine Army Builder for Android devices. The bonus is that being a java application it won’t be hard to port it to personal computers as well.

So, after I managed to lose all of my old files and I’m starting fresh! Just as well since I wanted to target the 1.5 release of Android in any case. Here are two pictures of tonight’s progress:

The army properties screen for Arcane Mechanik in action.

The army properties screen for Arcane Mechanik in action.

And the slightly more dynamic shot:

The faction selection list for Arcane Mechanik

The faction selection list for Arcane Mechanik

What does this have to do with Paintpink? Nothing, yet. But if I can finish this up in time perhaps I can set this up to help donate to the cause. We’ll see.

Day 1: Progress

May 21, 2009

So I spent last night and part of this evening getting models cleaned and prepped. This is more of a test of my camera and camera box than anything else but we’ll see how it goes!

Day 1 progress, cleaned and prepped Alternate Eyriss, Aiyana and Holt

Day 1 progress, cleaned and prepped Alternate Eyriss, Aiyana and Holt

Ok, so I’ve made this blog to post work in progress images for the Paintpink project. Just as I’ve decided to start painting up the mercenaries that will work for the Retribution it appears that the Paintpink campaign is getting underway! Elves and pink! How could I resist? wub.gif

So, here is the deal. I’ll be posting my progress and pictures of the Retribution models. For each unit, solo, and warjack/warjack I complete by the end of October I will be making a donation to charities that help breast cancer survivors. See, we can spice up a painting blog with a little monetary inducement.

In addition to the army, I’ll be putting up any terrain I happen make (may or may not be pink. No promises).

So, the models I have (prior to the release of the actual Retribution models) are:

Eyriss, Mage Huntress
Eyriss, Angel of the Retribution
Lady Aiyanna and Master Holt
Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters (and 2 Nyss Hunter Blisters)
Dahlia Hallyr & Skarath Warbeast
Lanyssa Ryssyll

So for the next two months I have more than enough to paint up. IF I get lucky enough to get a Gencon 2009 Ninja Shopper I will get the Retribution models early, otherwise it will be a Hell of a rush to get them done in time for Breast Cancer Awareness month.